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July 25

Telecom Paris and the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI), the European advanced research projects agency, have announced that Telecom Paris is becoming a JEDI Partner.


The collaboration between Telecom Paris and JEDI includes the involvement of Telecom Paris researchers and professors in JEDI Moonshots research programs, specifically in the fields of computing (Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Disinformation/Deepfakes, Semiconductors, Quantum).


October 19, 2023


Cannes et la Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI) s’associent pour lancer un GrandChallenge dédié à la recherche sur le microbiome marin pour découvrir de nouveaux médicaments, notamment anti-cancéreux.


Le JEDI Cannes Ocean Microbiome GrandChallenge est le premier Challenge organisé avec une collectivité locale en Europe, et impliquera de nombreuses équipes pluridisciplinaires venant de centres de recherches, entreprises et start-ups à l’échelle européenne.


January 30

On the occasion of the French President's state visit to Sweden, the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI) and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (SEB) announce a strategic partnership on Technology. ​


This partnership between SEB and JEDI includes Moonshots research programs in Cybersecurity (post-quantum cryptography, homomorphic and AI-powered cyber), in Trust & fighting disinformation (deepfakes, cognitive manipulation), and in Artificial Intelligence/LLMs (including explainable AI, energy & data-frugal AI).


May 9, 2023


With a global polycrisis and an unclear vision for the future, Europe is more than ever at a crossroad, and looking for its political, strategic and technological relevance in the world.

To mark Europe Day, the Joint European Disruptive Initiative, the European initiative for disruptive innovation, shares its vision in a Manifesto, a call for a bold & all-out scientific and technological offensive for Europe to (re)gain leadership in the 21st century.


February 18, 2023


“The JEDI China Tech Radar was officially launched at the Munich Security Conference, as contribution to the analysis of where Europe and free societies could focus to keep or regain tech leadership.


December 6, 2022

The Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI), the European ARPA is wrapping up its Washington, DC 3 rd high level technology visit, meeting key leaders in public and private organisations focused on emerging technologies.


July 27, 2022


Strategic Cooperation between JEDI and the Cyber Security Innovation Agency (Cyber Agency), with a first challenge on automated security for Critical Infrastructures (KRITIS). The project is initially funded by the German Cyber Agency and then taken to the European level by JEDI.


June 17, 2022


Strategic partnership between JEDI and the global leader in optical detection and imaging instruments Photonis for European Digital Sovereignty, Innovations in research on Space, Digital, and Life Sciences.


April 21, 2022


Strategic partnership between JEDI and the German AI Association KI Bundesverband for European Digital Sovereignty, Innovations in Artificial Intelligence & AI  Applications at European level

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April 3, 2022


Publication of JEDI White Paper on Presidential and Parliament Elections, Les 100 jours. Pour une France qui réussisse son 21ème siècle (100 days.  For France to succeed in the 21st century)​, which has been distributed to all Presidential candidates and Parties running for MPs

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March 17, 2022


Ms. Violeta Bulc, former EU Commissioner and former Deputy Prime Minister of Slovenia, joins the board of directors of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative


December 16, 2021


Upcoming launch of the JEDI Democracy 2.0 GrandChallenge
focused on 6 critical democracy-supporting technologies.

  • Fighting e-Censorship

  • Detecting Deepfakes in real time

  • Social networks without echochambers

  • Face recognition without mass-surveillance potential

  • Fighting cognitive manipulation

  • Explainable artificial intelligence

October 25, 2021


The International Vaccine Institute (IVI) and JEDI establish a strategic partnership to advance innovations in health and science, in particular around zoonoses, infectious diseases and in addressing the global threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).


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