In order to focus on the topics with the biggest potential impact, and in order to be always ahead of the curve the Joint European Disruptive Initiative has developed cutting-edge technology foresight and is regularly publishing JEDI Technology Briefings.
These briefings provide what is at stake, the current state of play of science and technology, key players and stakeholders, and last but not least the frontiers and the potential disruptions in this field.
JEDI is also actively engaged in technology policy recommendations in its mission to support and develop European technology sovereignty. It regularly publishes evaluations of current technology regulations, as well as briefing on necessary improvements and forward-looking policies in the innovation, research & development and science & technology diplomacy field.
These analyses are delivered in multiple ways (technology briefings, high-level technology meetings, tech & policy roundtables, ministerial briefings) and open selectively to JEDIs and strategic partners.


> Twitter DSA
> 20th Congress of the CCP.
Beginning of an Era …. or of
the End ?
(October 16)

> Re-invent & modernize - through innovation
the French-German relationship

> Quarterly China N°2
> Privacy Shield US-EU :
The Counter-Offensive (Again)
(October 7)

> Tech Briefing on
Critical Raw Materials
(June 1st)

> European Critical
Infrastructures - Cables

> A Defence Strategy
fit for the 21st century
> TechBriefing on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Guillaume Poupard, former Director of ANSSI, Deputy CEO, Docaposte
Jean-Jacques Dordain, former Director General European Space Agency (ESA)
Marc-Antoine Brillant, Head of Viginum
Josephine Teo, Minister for Digital Development and Information of Singapore
LtGeneral Michael Vetter, DG Cyber & CIO, German Ministry of Defence
Edith Heard, Upcoming Director, The Crick Institute, Director General, EMBL
Amiral Pierre Vandier, former France Vice Chief of Defence, Next Supreme Allied Cder Transformation, NATO
Prof. Fabrice Barlesi, CEO, Institut Gustave Roussy
Arthur Sadoun, CEO, Publicis
Valerie Masson-Delmotte, former IPCC co-chair High Council for Climate
Anne Bouverot, Co-president of the French AI Commission
CEOs Of Deeptech Funds
Paul Midy, French Member of Parliament Rapporteur on Digital/Deeptech
Audrey Tang, Minister for Digital Affairs of Taiwan
Yann Le Cun, Turing Prize Chief AI Scientist, Meta
Stéphanie Lacour, Director, Neuro-X Institute, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Mélanie Joder, Director General of the Budget, France
Claire Giry, Director general for research and Innovation, France
Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister delegate for Europe
Marc Fontecave, Professor, Collège de France
Daniel Rosen, Co-Founder, Rhodium Group
2023 & 2022
Sabine Klauke, CTO, Airbus
Dragos Tudorache, Rapporteur for the EU AI Act, European Parliament
Cédric Lewandowski, Executive Vice President, Nuclear and Thermal Power Plants, EDF
Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, former President of the European Research Council
Thomas Courbe, The Directorate General for Enterprise, France
LtGeneral (ret.) HR McMaster, Former National Security Advisor to the President of the United States (2017-2018)
Antoine Petit, President-Director General, CNRS
Thierry Coulhon, President, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Claire Giry, Director General for Research and Innovation, France
Philippe Latombe, French MP
Alexis Zajdenweber, French State Investment Commissioner
Alain Fischer, President of the French Academy of Sciences
Philippe Gillet, Geophysicist, former Vice-President of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), former Managing Director of the Human Brain Project
Prof. Christian Hummert, Director, Cyberagentur
Sebastian Matthes, Chief Editor, Handelsblatt
Jerome Moreau, Partner & Director at Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Jean Botti, CEO, VoltAero
Bulent Altan, CEO, Mynaric, investment partner, Alpine Space Ventures
Prof. Maria Leptin, President, the European Research Council (ERC)
General Michel Friedling, Outgoing French Space Commander
Christian Hummert, Director, CyberAgentur
Eva Maydell, MEP, Rapporteur on the AI Act and EPP, lead on the Chips Act
Stéphane Israël, CEO, Arianespace
General (ret.) Denis Mercier, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
Josef Aschbacher, Director General, the European Space Agency
Edouard Guillaud, Former French Chief Of Defence, Board Member, JEDI
Robbie Schingler, co-founder of Planet SPACE constellation
Stefan Brandt, Director of Futurium
Thomas Courbe, Director General Enterprises, French Ministry of Finance
David Cvach, Director General Europe, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dr. Matt Hepburn, White House Pandemic Preparedness, former Darpa PM, former Warp Speed
Jean-David Malo, Director, European Innovation Council
Daniel Metzler, CEO, Isar Aerospace
Sir Peter Ratcliffe, Nobel Prize in Medecine 2018
Thomas Sattelberger, State Secretary for Research, Germany
Jaan Tallinn, co-founder, Skype
Cédric Villani, Fields Medalist 2010
Jan Woerner, CEO Acatech, former Director General of ESA
(and more)
Digital Services Act
European semiconductors strategy
European AI strategy
European Hydrogen strategy
Face Recognition
French Presidency of the European Union
Strategic assessment of the European Research strategy
Technology and its impact on democracies