April 3
JEDI White Paper on Presidential and Parliament Elections
Les 100 jours. Pour une France qui réussisse son 21ème siècle.
100 days. For France to succeed in the 21st century
It has been distributed to all Presidential candidates and Parties running for MPs

Sign the JEDI Pledge to become part of the largest European & global Deeptech community
committed to solve some of the world's most pressing issues through science & technology.

JEDI Exponential - Dragos Tudorache, Rapporteur for the EU AI Act
December 13

Washington Technology & Policy High Level Visit
December 6

The JEDI Manifesto, all-out scientific and technological offensive for Europe to (re)gain leadership in the 21st century.
May 9

Kein KI-Moratorium, sondern eigene Programme entwickeln! Gastkommentar von Jonas Andrulis, CEO, Aleph Alpha, und Andre Loesekrug-Pietri, Vorsitzender, JEDI
April 25

Can Europe remain a space power? Op-ed by Marian-Jean Marinescu, MEP, Chair of Sky & Space Intergroup of the European Parliament, and Andre Loesekrug-Pietri, Chair of JEDI
March 26

The JEDI China Tech Radar was officially launched at the Munich Security Conference
February 17-19

IRA : l'Europe doit reprendre l'offensive technologique, et non se replier sur une guerre aux subventions. Tribune, Les Echos
February 9
Europa braucht ein Apollo 2.0
February 8

ChatGPT : les GAFAM ne sont pas invincibles, l'Europe doit se doter d'une vision claire. Interview France Info
February 1

Nuclear fusion – the breakthrough Europe should have made
December 20, 2022

Plenary hearing at the French Senate on innovation & industrial champions
February 2, 2022

Bataille technologique : l'étrange défaite de l'Europe
October 18, 2021