April 3
JEDI White Paper on Presidential and Parliament Elections
Les 100 jours. Pour une France qui réussisse son 21ème siècle.
100 days. For France to succeed in the 21st century
It has been distributed to all Presidential candidates and Parties running for MPs
Sign the JEDI Pledge to become part of the largest European & global Deeptech community
committed to solve some of the world's most pressing issues through science & technology.
Ms. Violeta Bulc, former EU Commissioner & former Deputy Prime Minister
of Slovenia, joins the board of directors of JEDI
March 17
Le Grand Entretien de la souveraineté technologique
February 25
Monsieur le président, faites tomber ces murs !
February 11
Plenary hearing on innovation & industrial champions
French Senate, February 2
Gare au SpaceX de la fusion nucléaire!
December 13
Keynote on the Next Frontiers in Climate Technologies
at the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit
December 2
Drei Lehren aus der Deeptech-Revolution
Tagesspiegel Background, November 23
Opinion | Bataille technologique: l'étrange défaite de l'Europe
October 18